Jun 14, 2012

The Field Artillery Metaphor

Until recently I kept a loose set of technical skills sufficient to get things done at the office or for my home network. Out of necessity I may have dug a littler deeper into HTML/javascript coding or into the settings for a wireless router. Although my full-time employment over the past several years has set me in the proximity of IT and computer science ventures, I never pulled into a close enough orbit to get the "cred" for a career change. I do have an affinity for the technical side so now is a good time to simply sit down and learn a thing or two, possibly to the extent of getting that "cred."

The purpose of this blog is to journal my learning process and to think through a set of skills that could make me a contributing element in a more technical environment and that could help me shift my career. If you consider the context of field artillery for a moment, since battlefield technology has progressed so much over recent centuries, the canoneer no longer has eyes directly on the target (miles away instead of yards, and probably behind a mountain range). The guns rely on a "lone," stealthy scout, a forward observer who will spot targets, radio in a fire mission, and relay guidance for adjusting rounds. I can relate to that metaphor now; my targets have seemed remote and indiscernible. I will be firing off a few rounds (learning skills) to get a measure for bearing and distance, I'll adjust fire, and zero in to "fire for effect."

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